Sana, F. & Cowan, N. (in preparation). When belief and common-sense conflict: the role of working memory capacity in deductive reasoning.
Sana, F., Clark, C., & Kim, J.A., Bjork, E.L., & Bjork, R.A. (in preparation). Pretesting directs attention to critical features of concepts.
Sana, F., Sharma, M., Jalal, E., & Kim, J.A. (in preparation). Testing the efficacy of learning objectives. Are they really helpful for students?
Sana, F., Yan, V.X. (in preparation). Examining the interleaving effect as a function of category relatedness.
Sana, F., Park, J., Gagne, C.L., & Spalding, T.L. (in preparation). The role of inhibitory mechanisms during metaphor processing.
Park, J., Sana, F., Gagne, C.L., & Spalding, T.L. (in preparation). An individual-difference approach to examining the role of inhibition in compound word processing.
Park, J., Sana, F., Gagne, C.L., & Spalding, T.L. (in preparation). Are noun-noun metaphors processed similar to traditional x is y metaphors?